Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Robotics Summer Camp

This summer, we had two 1-week camps to build and program NXTs. Thanks to the kids who attended (and their parents!), we were able to purchase the NXT kit for next year's club. The best part was working with the NXT, especially when the kids came up with their own programs.


We began by talking about the difference between machines and robots and why a program is so important. We started with Tribot to learn the basics of programming and the functions of the sensors. After several days of building and modifying, the first group built Spike (the robotic scorpion). The second group built RoboArm.

Get the flash player here:

(If you can't see the pictures, you can look at them and some additional videos on Flickr)

Carson built a program for Spike that let the robot walk around the table:

As a special treat, Tyler brought his fuel cell model car:

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