Friday, September 11, 2009

First Meeting

Wow! 21 Builders attended our first meeting of the year! It was a great turnout and very exciting for me to see all of the new faces.

We began with a Lego Scavenger hunt, to become familiar with the different pieces. Many of the new Builders hadn't used Technic pieces before and returning Builders didn't know standard names for everything, so it was a challenge for most of them. Most of them worked together to find the items on the list. For the ones that got really stuck, I had flashcards that they could look at.

  • Scavenger Hunt List
  • Flash Cards
Next, the Builders built their names out of Legos:

Look at all of the creative ways of building letters and using pieces! I'm going to print the pictures I took of all the names. We'll use them for name tags and photo tags for models later on.

You can't stop Builders from building, especially when the table in front of them is full of Legos. Here are some of the creations they came up with during our meeting:

Get the flash player here:

Evan and Gordon finished early and shot some video of the other builders. Here's a scan around the room of everyone building:

Head to Flickr to see what some of the group did with their creations.

And finally, a special THANK YOU to Evan B., who donated the money he received as an award this summer to the group!

The next meeting is on Sept. 22. We'll split into groups and start working on models.

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