Monday, September 28, 2009

Sept 22, 2009

At this meeting, we split into groups based on age and experience. Three of the groups worked in teams to build models from the Lego Science and Engineering kits. These Builders worked on solid construction, choosing the right pieces, and correcting mistakes that may have occurred. The 4th group started designing a robot using the Lego NXT kit. They will be constructing and programming a candy-delivering robot for Halloween. Before the end of the meeting, each group had a chance to demonstrate and talk about their model. You can see a video of all the groups:

  • Towards the end, you might hear me repeatedly calling Carson "Carter," while he and Carter correct me. I apologize to Carson! I seem to have this problem with his name--that I can look right at him, knowing what his name is, and the wrong one comes out of my mouth. He always politely corrects me.

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